Now you have completed this module let’s move onto the next one.
Question 1 of 1
1. Question
Please fill in the missing words to complete these statements around Choking.
Encourage the casualty to – if they are old enough.
Sit or kneel if possible. Lay the infant over your , with their face supported by your hand and their airway open. Using the heel of your hand give firm blows in between the shoulder blades, ensure you check the casualty in between each blow to check whether the object has been removed.
If the object has not been removed, you will need to administer chest thrusts.
Turn the infant over with the chest up and the infant laying over your other arm. Whilst supporting it, lower the below the level of the chest. Administer chest thrusts using fingers in the centre of the chest.
If the object has still not cleared repeat the back blows and the abdominal thrusts up to times.
If the steps do not appear to be working, then call or 112 for emergency assistance.
If the Choking infant becomes unconscious, then you must be prepared to start immediately and call for emergency assistance.